sábado, 20 de setembro de 2008

What is it about Art that...?

What is about ART that moves so many? Artists, aspiring artists, art promoters, art lovers (so called 'rasikas' in India), creatives, donors, investors, even occasional appreciators...

My mentor has been telling me about it... And I've been thinking... And it makes sense. I guess enough to finally have some understanding on why I myself wanna nurture Art throughout my life and - at least middle term most surely - devote myself professionally to it.

In this scope, allow me to refer you to the words I wrote for my mentor's speech yesterday, after another of many inspiring/ profoundly orienting talks. Contains also some insight into the concept of the space that I work in - www.smritinandan.org (please bear in mind that it's a non-profit organization, an essencially family funded hall); also beware of the spirit of this 'un-aged 83 springs' person of reference for whom I work...

Friends, Rasikas,

Be very welcome to this journey through the evolution of Kathak Dance, by Dr. Vaibhavi Joshipura.

I am very happy to see such a gathering of artists and art lovers to see Vaibhavi’s programme. I am sure I speak in the name of both of us if I say we’re very honoured to have you all here this evening.
Because --- you see --- rasikas can’t be without artists and art itself would lack its purpose if there were no rasikas. But for an artist it is something even more appreciated to have fellow artists as expectators; to have the chance to perform also for actual artists, as will happen here today, is something very rare and valuable. We think this should happen more often, I mean --- having artists supporting each other, so we are very thankful for your presence today.

This space where we’re sitting, Smriti Nandan Cultural Centre, has been created with that exact purpose: we see it as a small intimate place that artists should regard as their own, a space for artists and rasikas to meet, and a space for experimentation like the programme happening here this evening. I will be circulating the Membership form where you can see the kind of programmes we have been presenting bearing this concept in mind.

I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate all these people who are here today – NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME… -, who have created institutions and nurtured them throughout the years, disregarding any hurdles.
I know what it takes to keep an institution going, how much effort and perseverance it demands - because I’m doing it myself -, so I would like to express my most sincere and fratern word of appreciation.

Also, allow me: as artists should support one another, also institutions like ours should help each other’s efforts.
It is on everyone’s best interest, and above all our public’s, that we cooperate, that we share an understanding, don’t you think?
I am thinking of matters such as clash of major events on the same day, punctuality, sound levels in halls --- There are many ways in which we could benefit from joining together.
Let us hope we can seat together, all of us, one of these days --- or, I dare to say, even periodically --- and work out ways in which things could be modified in order to make our halls more cohesive.

I invite you all to participate in the programmes that happen in Smriti-Nandan; I invite you to treat this as your own space (a space for creativity to soar, as I like to call it) and give us a helping hand. I will naturally be very happy myself if I can be of any help in your projects and endeavours.
After all, we all aim to the same, we are all working to facilitate art lovers’ access to art.

And --- have you ever stopped to think why is that? Why is it that we sticked to Art irrespective of all the challenges artists and art promoters face?
What is it about ART that moves us?
I believe that it is the fact that Art allows us to transcend ourselves. Art gives us a unique insight into what there is to life beyond the pragmatism of our daily living. It provides us with a taste of the extase the spirit can achieve, and what could be more valuable than that?

The truth is art gives us a lot, but it also demands a lot of effort.
That is why I would like to take the occasion to pay tribute to all artists who take up this activity that demands them to give so much of themselves.
I especially would like to pay tribute to Women such as Vaibhavi who, apart from being a qualified dentist, a home maker and a mother that spends quality time with her children, at the same time she finds the strength and the spirit to nurture art and creativity, achieving excellence in the Dance field.
As a dancer, Vaibhavi has --- (BIO-DATA)---
--- and I am marvelled at her ability to do so many things with such devotion.
I believe Women have this special quality of multi-task, but the fact that they manage to do all these things in our country, and still dedicate to art, is something truly remarkable, so to finalize my already so long introduction, I pay tribute to all women artists.

Thank you.

By the way... Kathak Dance performance/ lecture was amazing and a true success! 100 people attended, aplauded and complimented. Our efforts compensated.

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